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October 7th Community Resources 

Other Relevant Songs

  • ANU - Museum of the Jewish People created a playlist that accompanies a special exhibition about October 7.
  • “Tamid Y’Chaku Lecha” (“Waiting for You”) by Lea Shabat: dedicated to the hostages (with English subtitles)
  • “Ani Gitara” (“I Am a Guitar”) sung by Daniel Wais in honor of his parents from Kibbutz Be’eri, who were both killed on October 7 (lyrics by Naomi Shemer with English translation)
  • “HaLev Sheli” (“My Heart”) by Ishay Ribo and Omer Adam (with English subtitles/lyrics)
  • “Lu Yehi” (“Let It Be”): Chava Alberstein sings to soldiers during the Yom Kippur War (with English subtitles and transliteration)
  • “Amen Al HaYeladim” (“Amen for the Children”) by Chanan Ben Ari (with English subtitles)
  • “Etzlenu BaGan” (“In Our Kindergarten”) by Shai-Li Atari (with English subtitles)
  • “Million Kochavim” (“A Million Stars” by Amit Farkash (with English subtitles)
  • “Ein Li Eretz Acheret” (“I Have No Other Land”, with English subtitles): Written in 1982 by Ehud Manor, this song has since become a beloved anthem in Israel.