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8 2019

I am Lubo: A Hidden Life - with Lou Pechi

5:00PM - 7:00PM  

UC San Diego Library Geisel Library
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093

Contact Susanne Hillman

Louis “Lubo” Pechi was born in the Croatian city of Zagreb. He was seven years old when the Germans invaded Yugoslavia. In response to the mounting anti-Semitic repression and strict laws prohibiting Jews from traveling, the Pechis converted to Catholicism so that they could escape to safety in Italy. The move marked a lengthy process of hiding: Lubo had to change his name, religion, and identity. The Pechi family finally managed to escape and make their way to Rome. Decades later, Lubo began the arduous process of recovering the memories of his hidden life by writing his memoir I am Lubo: A Child Survivor from Yugoslavia.

Sponsor: Holocaust Living History Workshop (UC San Diego Library and Jewish Studies)