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26 2020

IAC ACT workshops

IAC ACT will launch in San Diego with three training programs in 2020
About this Event
Jews around the world, including right here in San Diego, are targets of hate crimes on a level we have not witnessed in decades. This is a cause for great concern and action.

Help determine the future of the San Diego Jewish community by combating antisemitism and engaging in Israel activism. Join the Act-IL San Diego program.

Join to:

• Get educated

• Be trained gaining skills to be active

• Help respond to local incidents

•Lead online & offline campaigns

• Combat anti-semitism in San Diego

• Help lead a pro-Israel community

Sign up today for 1 or all 3 of the workshop series:

Training 1: Jan 28, 2020 - Ideal for students, prospective students and parents. Support & Options to Help You Act When It Happens in College Learn how students, campus organizations and IAC ACT are supporting Jewish students on San Diego’s campuses. Speakers: Jessica Barazani from IAC ACT, Yosef Condiotti from Stand With Us .Format: Forum/Q&A Panel with Jewish student leaders from UCSD and San Diego State. Training on IAC ACT app for reporting and responding to anti-semitic and/or anti-Israel. All Jewish leaders from college programs, youth groups and Synagogues Israel clubs are encouraged to participate.

Training 2: Feb 26, 2020 - When It Appears in Your School, Library or Rotary Club

Trainer: IAC ACT Jessica Barazani Format: An anti-Israel film or curriculum material is used in your school, at your local library or rotary club. Work together with IAC ACT and Stand With Us personnel on a strategy for local community residents response. Strategies may include drafting communications for use by community members, planning for meetings, creating social media content, planning for alternative events.

Training 3: April 20, 2020 - SD’s Media Room Connecting with National for Greater Impact

Trainer: IAC ACT National Jessica Barazani Format: The community will pick 2-3 examples of local incidents to work together in teams on responses, campaigns and strategies to make an impact. Learn how the local response team in a San Diego media room coupled with the power of the global IAC ACT community can help San Diego when needed as well. Understanding how local media rooms address local issues while working in concert to respond to anti-semitism and anti-Israel sentiment National-wide.

Sponsor: Israeli American Council