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9 2018

Secular High Holiday Services

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Escala Clubhouse
tickets: $50 adults; $25 young adults 16-28 and children under 16 free 2840 Clubhouse Lane
San Diego, CA 92108

Contact Gary Zarnow
Admission is by reservation only, to make payment go to our website

Kahal Am, Humanistic Jewish Community of San Diego will be hosting secular High Holiday services beginning on September 9, Erev Rosh Hashana, in Mission Valley. We will have the blowing of the shofar, a presentation and discussion on the theme, "The Power of Our Stories," an exploration of Jewish ideas that can be used to guide us forward in the year ahead. The program will be lead by our Madrikha, Beverly Zarnow and music provided by soloist Janet Hammer and pianist Jim Guerin. Refreshments will be served at the end of this event. Go to our website at for reservations and payment information and directions.

Sponsor: Kahal Am, Humanistic Jewish Community of San Diego