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13 2021

Songs of the Yiddish Theatre

2:00PM - 3:30PM  

$ Cost $ 25.00

The American Yiddish musical theatre was a powerful force in the turn-of-the-century immigrant experience.

The theatre brought to life the immigrant’s dreams, their difficulties in the new world and the nostalgia for their old country. We’ll sing songs by Molly Picon. Aaron Lebedeff, and the great composers - Alexander Olshanetsky, Abraham Ellstein, Joseph Rumsinsky, Sholom Secunda and others. Lomir Zingen!

Teacher: Cindy Paley

Date and Time: Sunday, June 13, 2-3:30 p.m. PDT (5 p.m. EDT, 10 p.m. in the U.K., 11 p.m. in most of Europe, 12 a.m. in Israel)

Price: $25 per individual workshop

Bio: Cindy Paley has delighted Jewish communities with her timeless albums and dynamic performances. For the past 20 years, she has been the cantorial soloist for Lev Eisha and Valley Beth Shalom’s N’shama Minyan, two women’s services in Los Angeles. Additionally, Cindy performs Yiddish music throughout the US and Poland, and teaches annual workshops at the Krakow Jewish Culture Festival. Although she is best known for Jewish music, Cindy also performs American folk songs of the 1960s with a trio called The Folk Experience.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, keep in mind that all classes and workshops will take place online via Zoom.


We are happy to announce our intensive summer program - Not Your Usual Intensive Summer Yiddish Language and Culture Program - coming up this June. Though we are still hosting our program via distance learning, our team is bringing you an amazing lineup of Yiddish classes, activities, and theater programs.

If you wish to learn more about this program and the courses and packages available, please visit

Let us awaken your Yiddish soul this summer!