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22 2021

Working for Revelation: A Journey through the Sefirot

5:00PM - 6:30PM  


Contact Getzel Davis

$ Cost $ 105.00

After the sweet heights of Pesach, we count the Omer—the 49 days between redemption from Egypt and the revelation at Mt. Sinai—an invitation to do the spiritual work that opens up the pathways from humanity to Divinity (and back).

Join rabbis David Curiel and Getzel Davis in a deepened exploration of the lower sefirot (qualities of God, self and connection) in kabbalah, as we step week by week on these linear, recursive and fractal paths. Each week we will explore that week’s sefirah through text, soul and self, including spiritual practices to enrich the journey.

Open to all regardless of Jewish status or training.

Online Thursdays 5pm-6:30pm PST

April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; May 6, 13

Sponsor: ZIVUG